3rd Annual Conference The Vaclav Havel European Dialogues (30. 5. 2016) Part 2
Archive record 12/06/16
Europe Facing its Migration and Refugee Challenges: EU, Nation States and Civic Society / Monday, 30. 5. 2016 / Venue: DOX Gallery, Prague / Organiser: Václav Havel Library / Institutional Partners: European Commission Representation in the Czech Republic, Citizens' Dialogues / Conference Partners: DOX Gallery, Sekyra Group, Havel@80 / 11.00-12.30 – 2nd panel Understanding European frontiers and Schengen: what will have to change? Speaker: Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Paris) Response: Karel Schwarzenberg (Prague) Panel: Attila Melegh (Budapest), Leonidas Cheliotis (Athens/London) Chair: Tony Curzon Price (London)