EU between Past and Present: Panel III - The Millennials and the Future of the EU
Archive record 21/05/19
For young people, the EU is an obvious part of their life. How do they view it, and how do they see its future? How do they perceive the approaching European elections? Are they pro-European by rule of thumb? What can they do so that other countries do not follow the example of Great Britain? What specific steps and recommendations do young people have for the EU and their peers? Kovy (youtuber), Jaroslav Miller (Principal of Palacký University in Olomouc), Barbora Kollárová (finalist in the essay contest of the Václav Havel Library) and Vojtěch Dyk (singer). Speaker: Zuzana Tvarůžková (Czech TV). Closing Remarks: Tomáš Petříček (Minister of Foreign Affairs)