EU between Past and Present: Panel I: EU – A Matter of Love or Marriage of Convenience
In his address at the European Parliament back in 1994, Václav Havel said that having studied the Maastricht Treaty and other documents on which the EU is based, the appeal was to his reason, not to his heart. Prior to accession to the EU, a considerable part of the population was influenced by the euphoria from “returning to the West”. In the 2003 referendum, 77% of people voted for to join. Can we say now, 15 years later, that the citizens’ hearts burn for the EU? How are we experiencing European identity today? Isn’t it just a marriage of convenience, stripped of all emotion? Where can the EU’s positive ‘charisma’ be found, especially for young people? Věra Jourová (European Commission), Lenka Zlámalová (Echo24), Martin Povejšil (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Pavel Rychetský (Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic). Speaker: Jiří Hošek (Seznam TV)