Evropské dialogy Václava Havla 2021 / VHED 2021: Jiná Evropa I. / The Other Europe I. (11. 5. 2021)
The Václav Havel European Dialogues is an international project that aims to initiate and stimulate a discussion about issues determining the direction of contemporary Europe while referring to the European spiritual legacy of Václav Havel. This idea takes its main inspiration from Václav Havel’s essay “Power of the Powerless”. More than other similarly focused projects, the Václav Havel European Dialogues aims to offer the “powerless” a platform to express themselves and in so doing to boost their position within Europe. One half of this year’s theme - The Other Europe - refers back to the epoch when Europe was divided into East and West. The first part of the conference - The Other Europe in the 1980s - refers to a six-part series produced by British television station Channel Four in 1987–1988 about the situation in the communist-ruled countries of Central Europe, based on interviews with the leading opposition figures of the era. The Václav Havel Library is in possession of the complete raw footage of the series. One panel of the conference is dedicated to four interviewees from 1987–1988 and their “facing the younger me” responses. 17:00 OPENING Michael Žantovský, director of the Václav Havel Library 17:05 INTERVIEW WITH VIP GUEST His Holiness the Dalai Lama Influencer Karel (Kovy) Kovář will pose the questions 17:45 INTRODUCTION Jacques Rupnik, political scientist, creator and presenter of documentary The Other Europe 18:00 PANEL I - THE OTHER EUROPE Lech Walesa, President of the Republic of Poland, 1990-1995 Lutz Rathenow, legislator, Saxony, Germany Jan Krčmář, translator and journalist Martina Mašková, moderator 19:00 CONCLUSION OF FIRST DAY AND INVITATION TO SECOND Martina Mašková, moderator The Other Europe Project : https://www.othereurope.com The Václav Havel European Dialogues Project : https://www.vaclavhavel.cz/en/dialogue The Václav Havel Channel https://www.havelchannel.cz