The Havel Albright Transatlantic Dialogues: Havel and Our Crisis - Keynotes


During the opening night, Milan Babík kicked off the event with recollections of his one and only encounter with Václav Havel. Jan Havránek then conveyed a brief message of greetings on behalf of the Czech Republic. In the highlight of the evening, Michael Žantovský delivered the keynote address.

Welcome MessageEncountering Havel, America, and Freedom
Milan Babík

Greetings from the Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the Czech Republic, Washington, DC
Jan Havránek

Keynote Address
Michael Žantovský


Serie: Havel - Albright Transatlantic Dialogues

Since the first Václav Havel Transatlantic Dialogues at GLOBSEC and FORUM 2000 conferences last year, we have lost another stalwart advocate of the transatlantic bond and of the need to face threats to democracy and international order together on both sides of the Atlantic, the former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. In view of the close bond between Václav Havel and Madeleine Albright and, after Havel's death, between the Secretary and the Library, the Václav Havel Library, with the approval of Madeleine Albright's family, renamed and rebranded the program as The Havel-Albright Transatlantic Dialogues (HATD), after the two major figures with roots in Central Europe who have personified the bond. Together, Václav Havel and Madeleine Albright symbolize the transatlantic relationship and the fundamental values underpinning it perhaps better than any other two people in recent history.

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