Steve Crawshaw: Small Acts of Resistance (8. 6. 2015)

Archive record 04/09/15

Nonviolent change – and mischief. Those are the twin themes of Small Acts of Resistance: How Courage, Tenacity and Ingenuity Can Change the World, co-written by Steve Crawshaw and John Jackson with a preface by Vaclav Havel.

The book has already appeared in Arabic, Persian, Tibetan, Chinese and other languages – and now is out in Czech: Malé projevy vzdoru – Jak může odvaha, odhodlání a důvtip změnit svět. The author tell stories and answer questions on protest, humour and change. Many of the stories come from his own experience as journalist (including East Europe Editor of The Independent from 1988 to 1992), and as a senior human rights advocate at Human Rights Watch and now Amnesty International. The event was chaired by Mark Martin, director of Amnesty International in the Czech Republic.



Serie: Conversations about Literature and Translations

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